Pre-registrazione: https://bit.ly/NewtonBackToSchool

WHATSAPP US!: +65 8629 2517
Email: admin@apics.com.sg
Dear Parents, Cari Genitori of Scuola Italiana,
The APICS team is excited to announce the start of our enrolment for 2024/25 and our fantastic teachers look forward to welcoming your kids on September 7th.
Don’t Miss This Opportunity! Reserve your child’s spot today to ensure they’re ready for an exciting journey in the Italian Culture!

The aim of APICS - Italian Supplementary School is to offer children from 3 to 14 years a weekly appointment where they can live the Italian language
We offer:
Home Language Programme: intended for children who are "immersed" in an Italian language context on a daily basis and/or who wish to stay in line with the Italian ministerial programme, also with a view to possible future placement and/or return to an Italian school;
Heritage Language: intended for children who wish to be placed in an Italian-speaking context, maintaining or building a cultural and linguistic link with Italy, and for whom learning the Italian language is to all intents and purposes a second or third language!
All teachers are qualified, screened native speakers with extensive experience in teaching Italian as a second language.